Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Nexus 5 not showing up on Windows 8.1

Connecting my Nexus 5 using USB appeared to have stopped working. In Device Manager I could see some ACER ADB devices. I uninstalled the drivers from device manager. Connected phone again, another ACER ADB was showing.

To solve, I selected the ACER ADB device in Device Manager, right click and choose

Properties => Driver => Update Driver => Browse My Computer for Driver Software => Let me pick from list => MTP

Then your Nexus 5 should show up.

Friday, August 29, 2014

IIS SSL Issues

Suddenly I couldn't browse to https://localhost/test.html

I could browse to http, but not https.

In event viewer => windows logs => system I was seeing
"A fatal error occurred when attempting to access the SSL client credential private key..."

To solve, I did this:

Fire up MMC.exe and add the local computer account certificates snap in.
Navigate to Certificates/Personal/Certificates.
Find the web server cerficate. Right click => all tasks => manage private keys.
Grant full control to everyone.